Reducing the Uncertainty of Your Guests

Gregory BoneyMinistry Insights

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3 Ways to Make Guests Feel More Comfortable at Your Church

Uncertainty can make people feel uncomfortable, especially when visiting a new church for the first time. When someone walks through the doors of your church, the uncertainty of that experience can be a barrier. Here are three things you can do to reduce this uncertainty and help your guests feel more at ease.

Church is a Social Experience

God created humans to belong to a community, and one of the main reasons people attend church—whether for a worship service, Bible study, or community event—is to fulfill this need to belong. While church has a theological component, it’s also a social experience. However, walking into an unfamiliar environment can trigger anxiety. Social anxiety is one of the most common mental health challenges today, so lowering the anxiety of your guests is crucial.

Address Uncertainty in Social Interactions

Guests may wonder if they will be judged based on what they wear or how they look. They may worry about understanding the language used in church or being criticized for their past. To help, we can reduce uncertainty by offering clear and welcoming information before guests even step through the door.

Your Online Presence Matters

One of the ways people reduce uncertainty is through research. Many guests will check your church’s website, social media, or livestream before deciding to visit. Studies show that two-thirds of first-time guests research a church online before attending, and more than half decide not to attend based on what they find or don’t find.

Your Website Should Have a Guest Page

Create a page specifically for guests on your church website. Show pictures of your environment, including your greeter team, coffee bar, children’s ministry entrance, and worship service from the perspective of someone sitting in the congregation. Be sure to explain things that may seem different, and why you do them that way.

Social Media Is a Window, Not a Bulletin Board

Social media should showcase the life of your church, not just announce events. Post pictures of what happens during and after services, like lunch gatherings or community events. Give people a glimpse of what to expect by sharing the same images you use on your website.

Highlight Your Livestream Archives

Include a prominent link on your website to archived livestreams of your worship services. These videos give potential guests a clear picture of your church’s culture and can help reduce uncertainty about what they’ll experience. Reducing uncertainty can make all the difference in helping guests feel more comfortable when visiting your church. By investing in your website, social media, and livestream presence, you can ease their anxiety and create a welcoming environment before they even step through your doors.

Pastor, Thank you for your dedication to building the body of Christ and reaching out to those in need. You are making a difference!