Why Bible Prophecy
A lot of church members say that they’re tired of Bible prophecy, but today I’m going to tell you why Bible prophecy continues to be the best topic for a full message evangelistic series.
One of the disconnects in my own church is that many members have a distaste for Bible prophecy, even though it was Bible prophecy that led them or their parents or their grandparents to join the church in the first place.
SermonView as a marketing ministry has handled advertising for over 6 ,000 evangelism marketing campaigns over the years for over 2 ,500 churches throughout North America. And I can tell you definitively that the number one most effective topic for drawing a crowd to a full message evangelistic series is, in fact, Bible prophecy. Whether the hook is biblical curiosity about the beasts of Daniel and Revelation or the hook is current events.
Bible prophecy is incredibly effective at drawing people to a series of meetings at your church. Now, why is that? Well, I actually found the answer a few years back from Dr. Hal Seed, the founding pastor of New Song Community Church in Southern California. He offered three great reasons for regularly preaching Bible prophecy. First, people are curious about it. He said that when he asks the group what they should study next, a substantial number will say either Revelation or Daniel.
Once he did a 10-week series on Daniel and attendance at his worship services grew 17 percent. And that interest continues today. Coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, one large church in my area did a year long series on Revelation because the interest was so high. So that’s the first reason. People continue to be curious about Bible prophecy. Second, people need help understanding Bible prophecy.
Dr. Seed wrote, I have years of formal education in biblical studies, yet I still find myself consulting commentaries every time I open apocalyptic literature. If pastors need help understanding prophecy, how much more does the average layperson need it and among people who are biblically illiterate, a class or a seminar may be the only way that they’ll even attempt reading prophetic books of the Bible. And third, people need assurance about the future.
We live in a world filled with chaos. A fear of the future is at an all-time high. Prophecy speaks to our present condition while offering hope for a better tomorrow. People need the hope that can only come from understanding Bible prophecy. One of my favorite testimonials comes from my friend Cecile, a woman who joined my church a few years back. This pretty much sums up why Bible prophecy can be such a powerful tool for evangelism. She said,
I’ve always gone to church since I was young, and in all my life, I’d never heard the book of Revelation explained. This seminar answered all my questions, plus even more questions that I didn’t even know I had. I have hope now because I know the end of the story. Cecile was curious. She needed help understanding. And now she has hope because she knows the end of the story. So please, don’t dismiss Bible prophecy as irrelevant to people today.
We still see crowds respond to evangelism marketing promoting a Bible prophecy series. And you can too. Even now, in 2024, it is the most effective topic for drawing a crowd to evangelistic meetings. I feel incredibly blessed to serve pastors and church leaders all over North America. Pastoring is one of the hardest jobs, particularly because you have to endure all this criticism. Well, I just want to say thank you for allowing God to work through you.
You are truly a gift to your congregation and to your community, even when they have a hard time showing it. So stay with it, because God is going to do something in your church that he can only do through you. Thank you for your faithfulness. I love you guys.
I’m cheering for you!